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Monday, February 27, 2017

Sit. Stay. Snap.

"It's always best to wait until the animal is relaxed -- don't chase or rile her up. For instance, I like to photograph my cat just after his nap."
-- Lars Topelmann

"Always have your camera or phone handy because you never know when your pet will do something adorable. Spontaneous moments are just that -- spontaneous!"
-- Shaina Fishman

"I like to get down on the dog's level and hang out with her so she can check out the camera and see that it's not a threat -- plus you get great shots that way!"
-- Jeff Moore

"Limit distractions and pick a quiet location. (Don't take your pet to a park with tons of kids playing and expect her to pay attention!)"
-- Tiffany Holman

"To get him to look at the camera, ask questions. Anything will do -- it's all about the tone of your voice. Treats can backfire unless the pet is really well trained."
-- Danielle Moss

"With cats I do try food. Let her smell it and then hold it just above the lens so she's looking right into the camera for your shot."
-- Jim Dratfield

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