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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Our Policies

APPOINTMENTS:Please do not show up early in hopes that your dog will be ready, this can be very upsetting for your dog. If we are running ahead of schedule, we will call you. If you know you will be late for your scheduled appointment, please call. We do charge a late fee for dogs that are left past closing time.

LATE FEES:If we have stay late because your dog was left past closing time, you will be charged accordingly. Dogs that are not picked up within a reasonable time frame will be boarded at Raytown Gregory Animal Health Center at the owner's expense.

CREDIT CARD POLICY: We do accept credit and/or debit cards. There is a $1.00 service charge.

CHECKS: We do accept checks. Please be prepared to show ID when writing a check. There is a $20 service charge for returned checks.

FLEAS:Pets with fleas will automatically be treated at owner's expense. Flea treatments are available with grooming only.

DE-MATTING:We do not do the extensive type of de-matting that causes trauma and pain to your animal.

CATS: A high percentage of cats that will require trims or shaves do not tolerate the experience well, and will need sedation. The sedation is done by the capable veterinarians at Raytown Gregory Animal Health Center. You will need to call Raytown Gregory (816-353-6681)schedule the sedate. There is a separate fee for the sedation and there will be paper work that must be signed before they can proceed.

AGGRESSIVE DOGS: If your dog's aggression can be handled without sedation, there is a special handling fee based on how long the groom takes. If we find that your dog (or cat) cannot be safely groomed, we will recommend sedation.

SEDATION: If your dog or cat cannot be safely groomed, we will recommend sedation. The sedation is done by the capable veterinarians at Raytown Gregory Animal Health Center. You will need to call Raytown Gregory (816-353-6681)schedule the sedate. There is a separate fee for the sedation and there will be paper work that must be signed before they can proceed.

VACCINATIONS: The city of Raytown requires that all dogs, cats, and ferrets be vaccinated against rabies. We are required, by law, to make sure that every pet we groom is current on this vaccine. If your dog or cat is not current, you can have them vaccinated during their grooming appointment. You'll need to make arrangements for that by calling the Raytown Gregory Animal Health Center (816-353-6681).

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