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Thursday, October 15, 2009

We're A Green Business

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Here at Heavenly Pets, we care about the environment. The products we use are biodegradable and safe both for your pet and for the environment. The cleaning products we use are also organic and non-toxic. We recycle as much as is possible, and use recycled products whenever we can.

"Going green is no longer optional but a way we should live to save the planet, ensuring it will be here for generations to come. Going green is the most important issue that will shape our future. It will enrich our lives, makes us healthier and at the same time help us save tons of money. Doing one green thing today will lead to more and transform our lives, kids, families, friends and make a great impact on the earth. Besides the common things like recycling, reusing and reducing we must educate ourselves to make a lasting difference. Be the change that is needed and cause a ripple effect."

Here are some easy ways to "go green" at home:

The first easy step to a green home is buying organic and locally. Support the local farmers by buying directly from them or at a farmer's market. Organic and/or fresh food from local growers is much better for you than prepackaged, pre-prepared foods bundled in plastic and filled with chemical additives and preservatives.

Another easy step is to recycle. It only takes an extra second to throw your plastics away in a separate container. So why not? You can help the planet reduce waste by reusing materials. Many things can be recycled in ways that help those in need, for a short list, see our post on 10 Recyclable Things You May Not Know About.

Freecycling is another great way to save money and be kind to the environment. Visit their website ( to find out more.

Conserve energy by turning off lights and appliances when not in use. Switch your old light bulbs to new energy saver bulbs. This will save you money! Conserve water by turning off the faucet when you brush your teeth. Also, buy energy saving appliances. All of these steps can help you live in a greener home.

Cooking requires heat, so conserve it to save money. Keep a lid on all the pans being used in cooking. Water will boil around 6% faster in pans with a lid on, thereby saving time, electricity and your money, as well as giving the environment a break.

Make your own cleaning products with inexpensive, environmentally friendly ingredients, and save money. (Read more here.)

Get off the junk mail lists. Register with Direct Market Associations Mail Preference Service ( and you will see a significant reduction in your mail after three months.

Consider using a good old-fashioned scrubbing brush to get the baked on grime off your pots and pans. That hard plastic scrub pad lasts only last about a week, and then you have to throw it away and start using a new one. A scrub brush will last for months, if not years, and it can be recycled. You save money and the environment doesn't get clogged up with old plastic scrub pads. Isn't that a great idea?

Unplug things such as phone chargers or electric heaters when you’re not using them. Even when these things aren’t being used they still take in electricity when they are plugged in. Unplugging them will save you some green.

In the winter, keep the oven door open after you have used it. Make sure the oven is turned off before you do this. This is a great way to get some free heat.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wow! Look at those dogs go!

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One of our clients sent us these pictures of her dogs doing agility. Looks like they are having a lot of fun, doesn't it? Don't they look great?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Proper Grooming is Important

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Proper grooming is an important part of pet care. It not only makes your pet look better, but contributes to his or her physiological and psychological health.

Brush your dog thoroughly every day. This helps keep his or her hair in good condition by removing dirt, spreading the natural oils throughout the coat, preventing tangles from forming and keeping the skin clean and free from irritation.

It is best to start brushing your dog at an early age, but do not despair if he or she is an older animal. It is possible to train one to enjoy grooming. Proceed slowly, and be sure to use treats and plenty of praise to make the experience fun!

If you can hear your dog clicking over your floors, the toenails are too long. Nails that are too long can cause serious problems for your dog. Long nails are uncomfortable, can cause damage to muscles and tendons, can cause serious injury if the nails catch on something and tear off.

Have your dog's nails trimmed about once per month. If you do it yourself, you'll need a clipper designed specifically for the size of dog you have. Either a scissor- or guillotine-style clipper can be used. We like this Extra Heavy Duty Nail Clipper. You should also purchase a small bottle of blood-clotting powder, such as Kwik Stop. For more instructions, see our post on "How to Cut Your Pet's Nails."

If trimming your dog's toenails isn't something you feel comfortable with, we're always happy to cut them for you, the cost is $10. (If you're having your pet groomed, toenail trims are included and there is no extra charge.)

EarsEar care is an important part of grooming. Ear infections can not only be painful, but lead to permanent hearing loss. The signs of a problem with a dog's ears include redness, constant scratching, head shaking and odor. Always check the ears before and after swimming making certain they are dried out after getting out of the water. For more instructions, see our post on "How to Clean Your Pet's Ears."

TeethDogs can get cavities and develop periodontal disease, so their teeth should be cleaned at least twice per week. Rub teeth with gauze or cheese cloth soaked in a baking soda solution. Specially formulated toothpaste and cleaners are available for dogs too. Along with regular cleaning you can help maintain healthy teeth by providing chew toys and using hard dog foods.

When brushing your dog's teeth, it is best to use a small toothbrush that has soft bristles. If your dog will allow it, we'll be happy to brush their teeth as part of the grooming process. The charge for teeth brushing is $10.00. Cleanings performed by a veterinarian may also be required, particularly as your dog ages.

Bathe your dog once every two months or as often as needed. Be sure to brush him or her before each bath in order to get all of the tangles out of his or her coat. If you skip that step, and bathe your pet without brushing first, tangles will turn into mats. Matted hair is much more difficult to brush out, and may require shaving.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Brushes and Combs

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The following are products we recommend for keeping your pet's hair tangle free between grooming appointments:

Sal Professional Slicker Brush

Effective curved design features comfort grip rubber handles for better grip and to reduce hand fatigue. High quality, rust proof stainless steel pins. 3 sizes to choose from. Free cleaning comb included. (find it at PetAgree Grooming Supplies)

Safari Stainless Steel Grooming Comb

We like this comb. It is well suited for medium to large breeds with medium / coarse coats, and works equally well on small breeds with fine hair. The smooth rounded teeth on this comb are gentle to the dog's skin, and because it's stainless steel, it will hold up to years of use. To maintain a healthy coat, brush and comb your pet regularly, and always brush and then comb the entire coat before bathing. (find it on

FURminator deShedding Tool

If you have a labrador retriever, or other short or medium-haired dog (or cat) with lots of loose undercoat, the furminator is the tool to use. Just be careful not to over-do it, and remove too much hair! If you are over-zealous, you might accidentally leave bald patches here and there. The 4-inch stainless-steel edge quickly and easily removes loose undercoat hair, decreases shedding up to 90 percent for about 4 to 6 weeks, and leaves a shiny and healthy topcoat. (find it on

Our Policies

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APPOINTMENTS:Please do not show up early in hopes that your dog will be ready, this can be very upsetting for your dog. If we are running ahead of schedule, we will call you. If you know you will be late for your scheduled appointment, please call. We do charge a late fee for dogs that are left past closing time.

LATE FEES:If we have stay late because your dog was left past closing time, you will be charged accordingly. Dogs that are not picked up within a reasonable time frame will be boarded at Raytown Gregory Animal Health Center at the owner's expense.

CREDIT CARD POLICY: We do accept credit and/or debit cards. There is a $1.00 service charge.

CHECKS: We do accept checks. Please be prepared to show ID when writing a check. There is a $20 service charge for returned checks.

FLEAS:Pets with fleas will automatically be treated at owner's expense. Flea treatments are available with grooming only.

DE-MATTING:We do not do the extensive type of de-matting that causes trauma and pain to your animal.

CATS: A high percentage of cats that will require trims or shaves do not tolerate the experience well, and will need sedation. The sedation is done by the capable veterinarians at Raytown Gregory Animal Health Center. You will need to call Raytown Gregory (816-353-6681)schedule the sedate. There is a separate fee for the sedation and there will be paper work that must be signed before they can proceed.

AGGRESSIVE DOGS: If your dog's aggression can be handled without sedation, there is a special handling fee based on how long the groom takes. If we find that your dog (or cat) cannot be safely groomed, we will recommend sedation.

SEDATION: If your dog or cat cannot be safely groomed, we will recommend sedation. The sedation is done by the capable veterinarians at Raytown Gregory Animal Health Center. You will need to call Raytown Gregory (816-353-6681)schedule the sedate. There is a separate fee for the sedation and there will be paper work that must be signed before they can proceed.

VACCINATIONS: The city of Raytown requires that all dogs, cats, and ferrets be vaccinated against rabies. We are required, by law, to make sure that every pet we groom is current on this vaccine. If your dog or cat is not current, you can have them vaccinated during their grooming appointment. You'll need to make arrangements for that by calling the Raytown Gregory Animal Health Center (816-353-6681).

City Requirements - Rabies Vaccine

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Code of Ordinances of the City of Raytown, Missouri
Sec. 4-23.

Rabies vaccination tag required:

(a) It shall be the duty of every person owning, keeping or harboring in the city any dog, cat or ferret over the age of ninety (90) days to procure from a licensed veterinarian a tag or emblem evidencing a current inoculation of said animal against rabies within the preceding twelve (12) months.

(b) No owner or keeper of any dog, cat or ferret shall allow or permit such dog, cat or ferret to be outside the residence of said owner or keeper at any time other than when enclosed on all sides in a cage or covered dog run without having attached to a collar about the neck of such animal or to a secure body harness a rabies vaccination tag. All veterinarians shall issue rabies vaccination certificates and tags in a uniform color and shape as recommended for each year by the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians, Inc.

(c) Upon a plea of guilty or conviction of a first offense for failure to display a rabies tag pursuant to this section, the penalty shall be a fine of fifty dollars and fifty cents ($50.50) plus court costs. Any person charged with a first offense for failure to adequately display a rabies tag shall have the option of paying the specified fine upon entering a plea of guilty and upon waiving appearance in court.

(d) Upon conviction of a second offense for failure to display a rabies tag pursuant to this section, the penalty shall be a fine of one hundred dollars and fifty cents ($100.50) plus court costs.

(e) Upon conviction of a third offense for failure to display a rabies tag pursuant to this section, the penalty shall be a fine of two hundred fifty dollars and fifty cents ($250.50) plus court costs.

(f) Upon conviction of a fourth or subsequent offense for failure to display a rabies tag pursuant to this section, the penalty shall be a fine of five hundred dollars ($500.00) plus court costs.

(Ord. No. 2039-80, § 2, 3-20-80; Ord. No. 2475-82, § 4, 12-7-82; Ord. No. 2765-85, § 1, 3-5-85; Ord. No. 4680-01, § 1, 2-20-01; Ord. No. 5239, § 3, 7-3-07; Ord. No. 5191-07, § 1, 3-6-07)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


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Heavenly Pets is a full service grooming salon with extensive knowledge of all breeds. We are passionate about our craft and stand behind the quality of our work. Whenever possible, we will tailor and customize your pet's trim to meet your personal taste.

We are committed to making sure that your pet's grooming experience is as stress free as possible. Because of this commitment, please see our policy page if your dog is extensively matted, has an aggressive temperament, or if you have a cat.

Veterinary care: As an added convenience veterinary services can be arranged while your pet is here for grooming. Simply call the Raytown Gregory Animal Health Center and make arrangements for your pet to be seen by a veterinarian while at Heavenly Pets being groomed. Their phone number is: 816-353-6681.

Products We Use: We use only organic, biodegradable, natural shampoos and conditioners. Information about the products we use can be found on these pages: Products We Use.

Our Prices: For a listing of our current prices, please visit the our prices pages. Be aware that the prices listed are approximations only. Unless you are one of our regular clients, we cannot give you an exact quote without first seeing your pet.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Shampoos And Conditioners

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We use shampoos and conditioners from Harco Laboratories, Inc. This company is family owned and operated and has been in business since 1995.

They use only the finest of organic surfactants, herbal extracts, and natural oils available. Their products are not tested on animals, and we love how they work naturally and effectively without the use of harmful pesticides or harsh chemicals.

For more information on individual shampoos and conditioners, visit these links:

Our De-Tangler

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For dogs with tangled hair, we use MAT-Magic Leave-On Conditioning Spray from Harco Natural Groomer.

MAT-MAGIC Spray is a leave-on spray that eliminates damage and stress on your pet's coat caused by hard to get out mats and tangles. MAT-MAGIC breaks up mats and tangled hair with little effort. It also enriches and strengthens the coat with a wheat protein based formula. MAT-MAGIC has a wonderful natural vanilla extract scent that leaves the coat smelling fresh and clean. This magical spray assists also in preventing mats and tangles, and maintaining waves, curls, and grooming styles.

Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Conditioners.

Our Medicated Shampoo

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If your dog has sensitive skin, or other issues, we might use a medicated shampoo for the bath at no extra charge. We like the TEA TREE OIL Medicated Shampoo from Harco Natural Groomer.

TEA TREE OIL Shampoo is formulated with oil distilled from the leaves of the Tea Tree which produces oil as a natural defense against destructive pests.

Tea Tree Oil is highly regarded as a natural, non-toxic, non-irritatiing, broad spectrum germicide and fungicide with exceptional microbiocidal activity against bacteria and as a topical antiseptic and mild local anesthetic for treatment of cuts, abrasions, skin infections, insect bites, flea bite dematitis, boils, etc.. Tea Tree Oil, Medicated Shampoo is environmentally safe, a premium medicated shampoo, and and we believe more effective controlling pet skin problems than other higher priced shampoos.

Tea Tree Oil, Aloe Vera Gel, Jojoba Oil, Avocado Oil, Salicylic Acid, Calendula Oil, Camille Oil.

Our Favorite Shampoo

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Our favorite shampoo is HIGH YIELD 32 Concentrated Shampoo with Whiteners from Harco Natural Groomer.

High Yield 32 Shampoo is an excellent multi-task shampoo. We love that it was formulated with natural oils and herbal extracts to work naturally and effectively without the use of harmful pesticides or harsh chemicals.

This soapless shampoo cleans even a really dirty dog with just one application. The whitening effect reacts to the coat loosening dirt and grime, while making white, gray and light colored hair look brighter and more luxurious.

Aloe Vera Gel, Jojoba Oil, Avocado Oil, Vitamins A, D & E, Calendula Oil, Camille Oil.

Our Flea Shampoo

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The flea shampoo we use here at Heavenly Pets is the D-LIMONAIDE Citrus Conditioning Shampoo from Harco Natural Groomer.

D-Limonaide Shampoo is made from D-LIMONENE, an extract from orange peels, blended with natural herbal oils, cedarwood, worm wood, and freskomenthe. The shampoo conditions with a special blend of Aloe Vera gel and plant derived proteins.

This combination makes a superb deep cleaning and conditioning shampoo, and an excellent alternative to pesticide shampoos. D-Limonaide Shampoo is useful for treatment of fleabite dermatitis, is gentle for puppies and kittens, and leaves a pleasant scent which deodorizes the strongest odors.

7.5% d-Limonene, Worm Wood Oil, Freskomenthe Oil, Jojoba Oil, Avocado Oil, Cedar Wood Oil, Calendula Oil, Camille Oil.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Flea Spray We Use

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If your pet has a flea problem and is not currently on any kind of flea preventative, the product we use as part of our flea treatment program is Ovitrol Flea Spray. It effectively kills the live fleas on your pet, and also repels ticks, mosquitoes, lice and flies.

Ovitrol contains Precor Insect Growth Regulator, which will (according to their product information) kill flea eggs and larvae for up to 2 months when used as a spray for floors and furniture.

The spray can be reapplied weekly, and is safe for use on dogs, puppies, cats, kittens, horses and ponies. Do not use on puppies or kittens under 12 weeks of age. Contains Pyrethrins and S-Methoprene.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Heavenly Pets Receives 2009 Kansas City Award

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WASHINGTON D.C., June 8, 2009 -- Heavenly Pets has been selected for the 2009 Kansas City Award in the Pet Grooming category by the U.S. Commerce Association (USCA).

The USCA "Best of Local Business" Award Program recognizes outstanding local businesses throughout the country. Each year, the USCA identifies companies that they believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and community.

Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2009 USCA Award Program focused on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the USCA and data provided by third parties.

About U.S. Commerce Association (USCA)

U.S. Commerce Association (USCA) is a Washington D.C. based organization funded by local businesses operating in towns, large and small, across America. The purpose of USCA is to promote local business through public relations, marketing and advertising.

The USCA was established to recognize the best of local businesses in their community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations, chambers of commerce and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to be an advocate for small and medium size businesses and business entrepreneurs across America.

SOURCE: U.S. Commerce Association

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Payment Options

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  • We do accept credit and/or debit cards.
  • NOTE: There is a $1.00 service fee.
  • Please be prepared to show ID when writing a check.
  • There is a $20 service charge for returned checks.

Tips are accepted and appreciated. They go directly to your pet's groomer.


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CATS: Grooming can be a very stressful experience for your cat, and very few cats can tolerate it. For this reason, we require sedation for all cats that are to be shaved or trimmed. The sedation is done by the capable veterinarians at Raytown Gregory Animal Health Center. You will need to call Raytown Gregory (816-353-6681)schedule the sedate. There is a separate fee for the sedation and there will be paper work that must be signed before they can proceed.

    $26 - $36
    $36 and up

Our Hours

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Our hours are as follows:

  • Tues: 8am - 1pm
  • Wed: 7am - 5pm
  • Thurs: 7am - 5:30 or 6pm (6pm by appointment only)
  • Fri: 8am - 5pm
  • Sat: 8am - 2pm to 4pm (our option)
  • Sun and Mon: We are closed.

Scheduling is important to us.
Please call if you know you will be late for your scheduled appointment.

We do charge a late fee for dogs that are left past closing time.

Dogs that are not picked up within a reasonable time frame will be boarded at Raytown Gregory Animal Health Center at the owner's expense.